The Sound of You- Getting Younger!


The Sound of you- Getting Younger! Most everyone has heard of or seen the mini-series “Crack Addict”. While we are happy there is a show depicting what our daily lives are like (sort-of), let's discuss the “crack” and why we “crack”; as well as how we can resolve the addiction. What is the Crack [...]

The Sound of You- Getting Younger!2025-01-29T22:06:44+00:00

Staying Adjusted ™


Staying Adjusted I am in love with chiropractic. In all the wide and ever widening landscape of healthcare with all of its wonders there is nothing that does what an adjustment can do. Nothing. Staying adjusted. The thrill fades, however, when the epiphany that is that first good [...]

Staying Adjusted ™2025-01-27T22:34:56+00:00



Click here to watch our video Why We Need Antioxidants The body is constantly changing. Your skin cells are replaced every month or so, your blood cells are renewed every few months. An enormous number of reactions are involved and many of them are oxidation-reduction reactions, or Redox reactions. You cannot see it [...]


It is Never the Stress


It is Never the Stress Everyone is faced with stress. It becomes a reality of life and the results of stress in our lives ultimately effects our psychological, emotional and physical self. Many people struggle to cope with Holiday stress, or everyday stress by focusing entirely on the idea of stress. It is never [...]

It is Never the Stress2025-01-29T22:38:03+00:00

Why recuperation matters, and three ways you can encourage it


Why Recuperation Matters, and Three ways you can Encourage it While the Chiropractic adjustment as a care intervention occurs first and most demonstrably at the articulation—the joints of the body—a successful care process demands that we not only get adjustments, but that the adjustment lasts. We have found that the care process must encompass many [...]

Why recuperation matters, and three ways you can encourage it2025-01-29T22:39:04+00:00
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