Botox for Migraines?


Botox for Migraines? Headache pain is one of the most common presenting complaints that we encounter as chiropractors. Headache pain, to include migraines, are among the disorders that evade traditional diagnostics. This means that the tests that are available to doctors like imaging and blood work and the like do [...]

Botox for Migraines?2025-02-06T22:44:31+00:00



Arthritis Joint degeneration. Everyone, everyone- either has it or can expect to have it. Just as important as what arthritis is; what do we think of arthritis and what do we think and expect of ourselves as the years pass? There are many ways to end up with damaged joints. Trauma from [...]


The 6 Exercises for Low Back Pain: What to Do and What to Avoid


The 6 Exercises for Low Back Pain: What to Do and What to Avoid Exercises for low back pain. It's easy to find a lot of misguided advice on the subject. Let's look at how we've arrived here. There has long been a focus upon the spinal disc among spine care providers of all [...]

The 6 Exercises for Low Back Pain: What to Do and What to Avoid2025-01-29T22:07:09+00:00

Tension Headaches


Tension Headaches: Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Management Headaches are an affliction for many people, more than 8 million Americans have to go to a doctor because of their headaches every year! [1] There are many manifestations of headache such as migraine, cluster and vascular as well as tension. Tension headaches are a common affliction [...]

Tension Headaches2025-01-29T22:08:03+00:00

Healing Knee Pain through Chiropractic Care


Healing Knee Pain Through Chiropractic Care Knee pain often finds it’s way into a chiropractic office. The chiropractic, as a provider of manual care, can often be a good resource in managing knee issues. The chiropractor will look at the knee the same way every joint is looked at, by considering the articulation [...]

Healing Knee Pain through Chiropractic Care2025-01-29T22:10:19+00:00

Plantar Fasciitis Care


Plantar Fasciitis Care Plantar fasciitis is a fasciitis of the plantar surface of the foot, or the sole of the foot. A fasciitis is the result within muscle, tendon and fascia of inflammation that has become not just chronic but chronically acute. The management of a plantar fasciitis involves bringing together the necessary recuperative [...]

Plantar Fasciitis Care2025-01-29T22:12:49+00:00



Chiropractic and Radiculopathy For a long time now, chiropractic care has maintained a place on the short list of resources for the management of radiculopathy. The words sciatica and chiropractic just seem to go together-and for good reason. Radiculopathy is when nerves or nerve roots become pinched, disrupted or even damaged where they [...]

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