What is an Adjustment? Why Adjust?
So, you have come to the chiropractor. This means that you have come to the mechanic among providers. If you are in the right place, it will be that we have found dysfunction that we will be able to correct. If you come to us and you do not get better, what we did may not be what you need. There are some exceptions to this like some elderly people with remarkable co-morbidities that are going to just continue to need ongoing care, but generally speaking the presentation that needs chiropractic care should be resolvable with chiropractic care. But what is an adjustment?
If somehow we can improve your condition in such a way that it can stay improved and even take it home and keep it improved, you can get rid of your disorder and possibly even get rid of me, the chiropractor. When that happens in here almost always it is a reflection of having needed an adjustment and successfully staying adjusted
What is an adjustment?
The chiropractic adjustment is often described as an alignment. Alignment is very important in terms of your frame. If you have a bone back in place or “in line” there is no good pathway for it to “stay in place”….
Staying adjusted:
We get a great deal of success when we choose to view the need for an adjustment as not being a bone that was out of place, although almost certainly it was out of place and your spine was out of line, the thing we will address in the instant that we adjust you will not be that the bone is out of place but that it could not move back by itself. This thinking takes us from a static picture of alignment to a dynamic picture of functionality. If you come to realize that your adjustments are not lasting, very commonly this issue comes back to the quality of muscles, tendons and fascia or deeper organizational issues. Central to achieving lasting success with qualified muscles and tissues is identifying elements within the tissues that have resulted in this persistent qualified state. We have discovered that if we get a person’s frame moving normally that issues of alignment very commonly correct themselves. This demands us to not think of the joint alone because motion does not simply occur at joints. Motion only happens normally when the joints and muscles and in some cases the bearing and alignment are brought into order. If we find you are able to be adjusted and stay adjusted, then you get to keep what we did here, take it home and make it your own which is the outcome we consider to be a success.
Written by: Donaid Seals D.C
Dr. Seals is a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic with over 25 years of experience caring for people across three states. His thinking is the product of his education, practice experience and many years in the natural foods and fitness industry. He has become living proof that old muscleheads don’t die-or fade away; sometimes they grow up to bring real-world expertise to the clinical picture. Traditional background information is available here.
So nice to see a chiropractor with this mindset, hard to come by!
[…] to one our most important clinical objectives which is to graduate from simply getting adjusted to staying adjusted. A graduation it is as it marks a point when a patient being managed rises above a regular pattern […]
[…] presentation is for a condition to respond well to being adjusted, but that response does not last. The difference between getting adjusted and staying adjusted is addressing disorder in the tissues around the bones and joints- heat and cryotherapy have both been useful in this […]
[…] that needs to BE adjusted needs to STAY adjusted. That’s obvious, which is why this thinking is at the center of our care modeling. But what […]
[…] much as Doctor Seals would love to simply cure your stress with one adjustment, it is never that easy. Chiropractic adjustments that relieve joint dysfunctions or restrictions […]
[…] truth is, where you’re experiencing pain is not always what is causing the pain. Massaging or adjusting the trigger points in your body that are inflaming the nerves triggering pain can help reduce or […]